In May, the CARICOM Secretariat launched a Short Video Contest for Youth in Biological Diversity during the first Webinar of the Biodiversity Webinar Series 2022. Active and informed youth participation is seen as part of the process of empowerment and knowledge building in the Community. As a significant step in promoting a place for youth in decision-making on biodiversity-related issues, the Secretariat invited young persons to participate in the 2022 International day for Biological Diversity Youth Competition.
We are happy and proud to report that the winner of this contest is aspiring scientist, Mrs. Lyn-Marie Lynton of Barbados. As the first place winner, Mrs. Lynton will participate in the Regional Preparatory Workshops and Training Programmes for the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) (COP 15). She will also be part of the delegation to COP15 as a Youth Delegate through the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), ACP MEAS Programme.
You can watch her video entry below.
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