FSSS Coral Reef Wall Mural Project

The Frederick Smith Secondary School’s Environmental Club’s Coral Reef Diorama Project

The Biodiversity and Conservation and Management Section of the Ministry of Environment and National Beautification continues to support our community in environmental efforts and supported the Fredrick Smith Secondary School’s Environmental Club as they embarked on a project which focused on promoting recycling.

The Frederick Smith Secondary School (FSSS) Environmental Club has been in operation as an extra-curricular activity since 2008. Meetings are held every Tuesday with a current total membership of 31 student and two teachers. The Environmental Club is geared towards the promotion of environmental education and the protection of our natural environment in a more hands-on and fun-filled way.

The FSSS Environmental Club has embarked on several projects mainly focused on promoting the 3 R’s concept of waste management; reduce, re-use and recycle with an added thrust in the area of upcycling.

Construction of a Coral Reef diorama

Students used recyclable materials such as old exam papers, cardboard, mesh wire and styrofoam to create a life size model of a coral reef. This module also included several fish species and other marine life residents within the coral reef ecosystem. On completion it is envisaged that the diorama can be displayed at any national scientific exhibitions or competitions. It will also be used as a valuable visual aid and teaching tool for students studying the coral reef ecosystem.

reduce re-use and recycle

Papier mache replicas of reef fish #1
Papier mache replicas of reef fish #2

Coral Reef Wall Mural

One other project that is currently being undertaken is the production of a coral reef mural in the room where club meetings are held. This project is another attempt to educate students about the diversity and beauty of the marine environment, as a large percentage of the students may never have the opportunity to observe these species in their natural environment. This is therefore another attempt to bring this world to them in a meaningful and long-lasting way.

Construction of the Coral Reef Diorama
Construction of the Coral Reef Wall Mural

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