Sanitation Service Authority

History of the SSA

The Sanitation Service Authority in its current incarnation is a relatively young entity, having been preceded by The Sanitation and Cemeteries Board from 1969 to 1974, which was established by the Sanitation and Cemeteries Board Act.  This act took effect from September 2nd 1969.

This board was dissolved when the Sanitation Service Authority was enacted on March 1st 1975.  The Sanitation Service Authority has four primary functions as set forward in the act.

  1. To remove refuse from any premises as authorised by the Minister.
  2. To sweep, cleanse and water streets.
  3. To provide and maintain in a sanitary condition suitable placed, buildings and appliances for the deposit, disposal or destruction of refuse.
  4. To provide and maintain cemeteries burial grounds and crematoria.

Upon being enacted, the first priority of the newly established Sanitation Service Authority was to review programmes for solid waste management.  These programmes were, and still are, essential in maintaining Barbados as a healthy jurisdiction for visitors and residents alike.

The Sanitation Service Authority is a Statutory Board, operating under the aegis of the ministry authorised by the Prime Minister of Barbados.  The SSA was, for a brief time, under the Ministry of Health but as of 2009 it is under the Ministry of Environment and Drainage.

One of the most important functions of the SSA to land management is the removal of waste and refuse which can clog drains and lead to flooding, pollute water-ways.  The removal of bulky waste, which  is a term given to discarded material occupying a larger volume than regular household refuse, is also an important function of the SSA.  Illegal dumping of such waste can cause a number of health and environmental problems, such as leaching contaminants into soils and water-ways, poisoning local flora and fuana.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:
2nd Floor National Petroleum Corporation’s Building
Wildey, St.Michael
Telephone:  535-5000