Invasive Predator Control at a Selected Hawksbill Nesting Beach: Bath Pilot Project – Monitoring Plan
This monitoring plan seeks to address the negative impact that IAS, specifically mongooses
and rats, have had on nesting hawksbill sea turtles. It is envisaged that the plan can be
replicated at other sea turtle nesting beaches experiencing similar challenges. The plan
provides a framework with processes and methodologies for IAS control including a logical
framework with activities, targets and indicators for evaluating project implementation. A
clear organisational structure is proposed for project implementation with clearly defined
roles and responsibilities. Multiple monitoring schedule options are presented to guide
monitoring activities and equipment details are provided to execute them.
It is envisaged that this plan will strengthen the knowledge base and capacity of technical
staff members and practitioners in governmental and non-governmental organizations
involved in IAS management. Its implementation will require interagency collaboration to
ensure effective application to address IAS management issues and achieve biodiversity
conservation goals.