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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2020)


This report consists of two main components the first of which provides background information to the development of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). Chapter 1 presents an overview of the country while chapter 2 expands on the status of the country with regard to overall biodiversity and looks at the biodiversity status, trends and threats. Chapter 3 provides an analysis of the implementation of the existing NBSAP (2002) and specifically identify implementation gaps which have been used in developing the new NBSAP. Chapter 4 examines the progress made in implementing the 2020 Aichi targets and identifies 13 priority targets for the country. These targets were identified through a stakeholder consultation process of workshops and focus group meetings.

The second component of the report articulates the new NBSAP. The priority strategies for biodiversity conservation in Barbados to 2035 are aimed at improving the well-being of all Barbadians.

Table of Contents