Statement by David Cooper Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological DiversityInternational Youth Day 12 August 2023 Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World
David Cooper Acting Executive Secretary Convention on Biological Diversity

Contributed by CBD Secretariat

Today, on this International Youth Day, I applaud young people for your deep conviction and
commitment to making the world a better place. You have inherited a broken planet and yet, you are willing to work with other generations to reverse the damage. Young people are crucial actors in the transition to a greener world. Your skills, perspectives and knowledge are key to facing today’s environmental challenges. In December 2022, the world community came together and adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. This is an ambitious agreement to take urgent action this decade to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity.

There were many young people present at that UN Biodiversity Conference and you were an important
part of the consultations that helped shape this historic Framework. You showed the world that you have
the leadership skills to help move us from agreement to action. Young people are building the knowledge and developing the skills needed to efficiently and effectively halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. Green skills in communication, public policy, technology, networking, and management will help to protect and restore our ecosystems, to develop more sustainable farms and cities, and to promote more sustainable lifestyles.

The Convention on Biological Diversity will continue to facilitate meaningful opportunities to enable
youth to share their knowledge and skills in support of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, to share their values, and to promote intergenerational solidarity.

Let’s keep working together to build back biodiversity!

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