Unveiling the All-New “Biodiversity Barbados”


“Biodiversity Barbados” had its humble beginnings as the Sustainable Land Management site in 2013.  Developed as an output of the UNDP-GEF Sustainable Land Management Medium-sized Project (SLM-MSP), the website was originally designed solely to house information related to Barbados’ efforts to attenuate land degradation through reforestation projects, institutional strengthening and spatial planning.

In 2016 the website was expanded to focus on more holistic ecosystem management with the introduction of biodiversity related activities.  Over time, the scope of the website has broadened considerably, leading to the development of the new website.

Introducing “Biodiversity Barbados”

The lands and soils, the cultivated and uncultivated ecosystems that they support and the climate in which we live are all inextricably linked.  As such, “Biodiversity Barbados” has been reimagined to provide a look into the Biodiversity Conservation and Management Section’s approach on Integrated Ecosystem Management.

“New look, new content but just as useful as ever”

The website will continue to showcase Recent Activities, providing important and up-to-date news on Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Barbados but has been enhanced with further Resources to add value to our readers.  The site now hosts Barbados’ Biodiversity Clearing House, the national node of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s global Clearing House Mechanism, which provides information on national policy documents, national reports and legislation important to the conservation and management of the environment.  For the visual readers among us, the website also hosts a Photo Gallery of the Section’s activities, which will continue to be updated regularly.

“Working with farmer’s towards the conservation of Barbados’ agricultural biodiversity and playing  our part in contributing towards national food security”

The recently added Agrobiodiversity section houses Farmers’ Manuals to maximize yields, while combatting pests and other factors that would affect agricultural productivity locally.  These manuals aim to contribute towards the Government of Barbados’ push to bolster local food production and enhance national food security.  Immediately available at launch are “Best Practices in Green Monkey Deterrence” and “Row Covers Construction Guide”.  Other resources will be added over time.

Public Awareness and Education

Conservation of Barbados’ ecosystems cannot be achieved without the assistance of its citizens.  From those whose connection to the land is overt, such as farmers, conservationists and environmental professionals, to the average citizen with a small kitchen garden or a simple lawn, responsibility for the health of our environment is something that we must all work towards.

Through synchronized efforts environmental stewardship can be achieved; but synchronized efforts require the sharing of important information.  For this reason, Public Awareness is an extremely important component of the Biodiversity Section’s work.  “Biodiversity Barbados” will continue to keep readers well informed and up-to-date with the latest information on the Section’s public outreach efforts and activities.

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