Webinar series on land-based jobs for young people and a call for content

Webinars on jobs

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in collaboration with Deutsche Welle is organizing a series of webinars designed to inspire people around the world to create youth-led jobs and entrepreneurship in the land sector. 

The 4-part series titled, Webinars on Land-based Jobs for the Youth will include 3 topical webinars organized in three regions Africa (November 2020), Latin America and Caribbean (February 2021), and Asia (April 2021). The concluding global webinar will be held on 12 August 2021 in celebration of International Youth Day. The purpose of the webinar series is to find and motivate young people to initiate and turn sound and durable land-use business ideas into profitable and sustainable enterprises. 

Below is the registration link for the Africa Youth Webinar to be held on 19 November 2020 at 01.00pm to 02.30pm GMT/UTC:


The meeting will be held in English and French.

Call for content

To this end, the UNCCD has launched a call for content from young people (15-35 years) and organizations that work with youth on land-based jobs. Submissions in the form of a video-story of between 40 and 90 seconds should feature new ideas and experiences from the field. More specifically on:

1. The challenges of youth unemployment.

2. Helping the youth and the Land.

3. Income-Generating SLM projects.

The call is available in English and French.

English: https://knowledge.unccd.int/cbm/call-content-tackling-youth-unemployment

French: https://knowledge.unccd.int/cbm/appel-contenus-lutter-contre-le-chomage-des-jeunes

For information about the youth webinars, contact: Wagaki Wischnewski, [email protected]

For information about the call for content, contact: Jorge Sanz, [email protected].

UNCCD and Young People – Additional Information

Additional information about the Webinars can be accessed here: https://www.unccd.int/issuesland-and-youth/webinars-land-based-jobs-youth

Detailed information about UNCCD engagement with young people is available here: https://www.unccd.int/issues/land-and-youth

For information about the youth webinars, contact: Wagaki Wischnewski, [email protected]

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