Natural Heritage Department

This department will execute the planning, promotion and implementation of projects in these locations as outlined by the Plan and Heritage Conservation areas.


“The Department’s objectives may be summarised to include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Upgrade, diversify and protect Barbados’ tourism product through development of sites that can serve as attractions and recreational areas while providing opportunities for scientific research and employment of residents.
  • Protect the quality and integrity of ecosystems including air, water, land and animal components.
  • Focus on the linkages and relationships among the ecosystems, with special attention to human activities, and consider these components beyond their immediate environs to the broader National Park system, and to the Island system as a whole.
  • Promote the protection, conservation and wise use of Barbadian flora.
  • Establish and develop linkages between the Town and Country Planning Office, the Coastal Zone Management Unit, the National Conservation Commission and Soil Conservation Unit with other Ministries and NGOs.
  • Promote community participation and educational programmes in the Harrison’s Cave study area.”


  •  Capital Works at Harrison’s Cave.
  •  Establishment of Marine Management Authority.

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